Recent Blogs

8 Simple Steps to Joyful Living

Have you ever associated joyful living with your achievements, i.e. “when I achieve something, only then shall I be happy”? You’re not alone. This manner of thinking is also...

75 years of Indian Independence

The copywriter who wrote the aforementioned ad for the Friday August 15, 1947 edition of ‘The Daily Gazette’, surely knew how to catch people’s attention with his clever use of the...

9 Self-Management Tools Used

It is widely known that pilots have one of the toughest jobs in the world. Since they operate in precise and pressured environments, their need to be accurate and in control is...

Expat Lifestyles: THE UNTOLD

Do you know the feeling of being new in a country as an expat and trying to find your sweet spot-the one where you are not only happy to live in the country but also happy to be...

How to Focus On the Good

Do you find it quite simple to focus on what didn’t go well in life? As complex, intelligent beings, we inherently remember our mistakes, unhappy moments, people who treated us...

Striving for Perfection All

Over the years, I’ve learnt that I’m not a perfect human being and I’ve come to terms with this observation. I have noticed, however, that the emphasis on being “perfect” or...